Tanya Padilla

Tanya Padilla, RN, PHN, BSN

Born in Montebello, Tanya Padilla always dreamed of becoming a nurse.  As a young single mother, she began working in the tomato and pistachio fields of the San Joaquin Valley, quickly learning that her wages were not going to be sufficient to support her daughter and also go back to school. Tanya began waitressing to pay for school and enrolled in the San Joaquin Valley College Medical Assistant Program. She worked for more than five years in the field, but never let her dream of becoming a nurse slip away.  When she learned of the nursing program at Rio Hondo College, Tanya moved back to Montebello and enrolled.

Tanya’s scholastic and professional achievements skyrocketed at Rio Hondo. In her first year, she was elected Vice President of the student nursing council, and elected President during her second year. It was during this time that she applied to the TELACU/White Memorial Medical Center Health Careers Program. She was accepted, and it greatly reduced the financial stress of supporting her family.

Tanya graduated from nursing school, received her RN license, and began working in the Emergency Department (ED) at While Memorial Medical Center. The Program’s one-on-one counseling, which continues after graduation, was a support system that Tanya continued to utilize to advance her educational and professional endeavors. Tanya then went on to graduate with her Bachelor’s in Nursing, and earned an invitation to the International Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau.

Tanya is an active leader both inside and outside of the hospital. At White Memorial, she serves as the ED Pediatric Liaison Nurse and the Chair of the ED Unit Based Council. She co-founded the first ED employee newsletter, launched the ED Pharmacy Task Force, and serves as a Preceptor for nursing students. TEF is very pleased to continue its support of Tanya’s educational and professional empowerment as she begins pursuit of a Master’s of Nursing degree later this year as a David C. Lizárraga Fellow.