Graduate Image

Dr. Bianca Lizarraga

“Home grown in East LA! I made the close yet far move to UCLA to complete my Bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology. Treating patients with chronic conditions and increasing access to preventative care in underserved communities are my passion. For my medical school education, I joined the UCLA Program in Medical Education (PRIME), a dual degree program founded on the values of leadership, advocacy, and equity in health care.


For my Master’s, I wanted a better understanding of the systemic challenges in providing care for underserved patients and thus, I obtained an MPH at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health with a focus in health management and policy. During my Master’s, I had the opportunity to travel to Japan for a health policy project and Haiti to provide accessible primary care.


As a first-generation medical school student, I also helped establish the first-generation medical student organization at UCLA and continue my passion for mentorship. I chose Los Angeles because of the compassion and camaraderie of the people who work here and the diverse patient population they serve. What better place to train than in an organization that places primary care at the forefront. Now, I am close to completing my first year of residency. During my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, watching Netflix, and eating popcorn.”