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Nyumba Apartments


616 W 81st Street
Los Angeles, CA  90044
(323) 232-5483

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Please submit the completed HOUSING APPLICATION via Email, Fax, or Mail.

Fax: 323.838.0548
Mail: TELACU Property Management
1248 Goodrich Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90022

Nyumba Apartments is a 12-unit low-income apartment community located just a short distance away from the 110 freeway in the city of Los Angeles and within walking distance to public transportation. We have on-site laundry facilities, professionally landscaped grounds and gated parking. Each apartment includes air conditioning/heating and a full kitchen with a stove and refrigerator.


One of the requirements under the Shelter Plus Care program requires registration with the Los Angeles’ Coordinated Entry System (CES). CES is a list of all of the people in the region experiencing homelessness, prioritized by community standards, to be referred to available housing inventory. If you do not have a unique identification number, please call 2-1-1 and register with CES.

Head of household must be at least 18 years-old and diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at time application is submitted. Household income must not exceed 50% of the HUD annual income limits. Applicant must be chronically homeless.